

In these few weeks, i had complete my own task of creating the flowgraph for the situation engine and also edit the time change of the day. The videos shown below are the general documentations of my works:

This video is shown my process of making the interface.
This allows the situation engine like our real life that have daytime and night time, also the audience to examine the change of the shadow of the light in the building.
This shows an on-click event that when the user click the element, the situation engine will highlight which element did u pick and show the australian standard.

Creating different versions of click-on object


In this second part of assignment, i concerntrate on creating the flowgraph and i really gain a lot of experience in this task.



Group Presentation 4Remuneration:  (Group Name: Black)

Grade: P-

This week’s presentation is about remuneration, relating the compensation received by the employee, which is quite interesting topic. But after this presentation, I had to say this presentation disappoint me a bit.



I think overall, I think this group prepare a lot of information for this presentation,

But they didn’t present it well during the presentation. Some of the group members

Just read out the information from the slides, which can’t help me understand the concept






As I mentioned above, this group prepared too much information. Therefore, the font is very small in  the slides and I cannot read it properly. Also, there are too much text put in one slide and it makes me hard to understand where each part of the text should belong to.




I would say this presentation is not very impressive, but some examples is used to demonstrate the methods of compensation pay to the employee, which is good.




Yes, referencing is used for the images.



The conceptual context is overall a bit confusing for me. But some of the conceptual is successfully explained.





Not many pictures are used in this presentation; I would like to recommend them to put more images in their future presentation to enhance the ideas.



Group Presentation 4: Conflict (Group Name:)
Grade: CR
In this week, both of the group presents a very detailed presentation of conflicts.  I think both of the group delivers very clear theories of different conflicts that might encounter in the work.  In general, I think the first presentation is better than second one, but they both have pros and cons.
First, they both written very detailed in the presentation, but the second group have too many test in the slides and make me can’t not catch up with the slides while they are doing the presentation. And other than this, both of the groups used different images to convey their ideas which is very good, helps me to enhance the concept in a visual way. Also, both of the groups are used referencing below the images which is quite good. But I have noticed that in their presentation, they uses samples and ideas through other sources rather than create by their own. I think both of the group should reference the ideas as well, not only the images.
In terms of using examples, I think one of the groups did quite good, they also use their situation in emphasis how conflicts happen and how it can be solved.  They use of flowgraph and also their models to show us how each other’s work could not satisfy by the member within the group and this might happen.   


Group Presentation 4Remuneration:  (Group Name: Black)

Grade: P-

This week’s presentation is about remuneration, relating the compensation received by the employee, which is quite interesting topic. But after this presentation, I had to say this presentation disappoint me a bit.



I think overall, I think this group prepare a lot of information for this presentation,

But they didn’t present it well during the presentation. Some of the group members

Just read out the information from the slides, which can’t help me understand the concept






As I mentioned above, this group prepared too much information. Therefore, the font is very small in  the slides and I cannot read it properly. Also, there are too much text put in one slide and it makes me hard to understand where each part of the text should belong to.




I would say this presentation is not very impressive, but some examples is used to demonstrate the methods of compensation pay to the employee, which is good.




Yes, referencing is used for the images.



The conceptual context is overall a bit confusing for me. But some of the conceptual is successfully explained.





Not many pictures are used in this presentation; I would like to recommend them to put more images in their future presentation to enhance the ideas.



In this week, there are some problems encoutered when i export my wall sturcture to cryengine3. After i had fnished the model with the correct size, i tried to export it to crysis, but it fails. There might be two reasons cause this problem:

1. Too many polygons in my models
2.There is a surface  is not closed surface



                                               This is the wood stucutre had sucessfully export to cryengine

To solove this problem: I had tried to edit my model in 3DS max and end up finding the when it export it back to sketchup, it makes more polygons than before. So i redo the model again and finally success.

Also, i have start my 2nd part mission, i had 2 objective to achieve in this project:

1. Create a interface in cryengine3 and allow to show the Australian standard with different lanuage
2. Create a on-click event and also some interactive object in the sistuation Engine.


 Due to the busy modelling session this week, i just had start research and have a littly trial on my computer.



Group presentation3: Intellectual property (Group Name: Interactive architectural &Geriambiance)


In this week, my group and the other group both did the presentation on Intellectual property. I think both of the group did quite well to let the class know more about the  IP, to let them understand how to protect the mental fruit in a wise way.


In my group, I think we did quite success in passing the idea of different types of intellectual properties to the fellows.  First, I think we use a lot of real examples during the presentation, and each of them with an image to support our idea, such as the use of SANNA’s rabbit chair as an example of a registered design. And we also reference properly on the bottom of each images that we used.

But on the other hand, there is something that we didn't do well, we focus too much on explaining the types of the intellectual property, but we didn't mention too much on how to protect our project and link it back to the topic we chosen to study on.


Group: Geriambiance

I think overall that group did quite well, they also explain quite well and they also did the topic that we didn't mention in deep, so they have mention the issue about licensing and other stuff. Also, in their presentation, they have highlighted how IP can relate to their projects and how their project can be protect by different types of IP.

They have using referencing at the very last page of their presentation, but I saw quite lot of the referencing are just drop down website and it is not been reference properly.

And also one of the thing I think the group can improve in their next presentation. During the presentation, each of the person have in charge with around three topics to present, I think by the end of the presentation, it will be a huge amount of knowledge will give to the audience, but it might be hard for the audience to fully understand all of the concepts. Maybe next time each of them can choose a specific topic and explain them in deep, I think it might be easier for audience to understand the concept rather than just listening and resulting in knowning 80% of the presentation.



Group presentation2: Communication (Group Name: Shades of dark)


In today’s presentation, the group showed us information about communication in group work.  This presentation helped me to understand how the communication will affect the result of a project, with different communication methods; every group will have a different outcome.

First, the group have emphasis the oral presentation very clear and concise. At the beginning of the presentation, the group had showed us the information about responsibilities in the group, so leadership is the most important issue. One of the communication method is introduced, like a hirerachy management method, there will be a leader and others will be the team members. Each of the team members will allocate some work to do and when they finish it, they can communicate with the leader and see if the work is been correctly done.


Also, the group also showed us the communication method not only face to face to have a group meeting with the members but also share their work through the internet access. There are different types of internet access they use to work, such as facebook, dropbox and wiki for the internal communication. This make sure each of the team members know the progress of each person and they can edit the work immediately. For the external communication, they introduced to use a existing forum to communicate, such as youtube. The group post some video of their progression and allow their audience to know more about it from a visual effect rather than know it by reading the words on the paper.


After this, they also mention the longevity of this project. One of their point catches my attention, they said one of the risk of the project is something like copyright, since it is open access to everyone, it means there will be a chance that someone steal their work and use it. It also reminds me that it is important to protect our work when we are sharing the information to a public.  We need to secure our mental fruit as our priority.


Other comments:

There is couple of example shown during the presentation which deepen my understanding in communication both internally and externally. Each of the images is referenced.


i have put up some evidence about my work :

